The Story Behind Tica Wear

The Story Behind Tica Wear

Tica is a synonym for Tia Clea, which doesn't just represent my name, but also my character, mentality, story and lifestyle. I am a creator of Tica brand, which was created to inspire, encourage you, to be special, unique, daring and loco, to be yourself, no matter what others think about you.

It all started as a dream, I had when I was younger. I have always wanted to be an ispiring influence to people around the world. My journey started in year 2020, when I posted my first TikTok. After a few TikToks, my videos have started going viral, but the likes were not the only thing I received from viewers. With bigger oudience, beside positive comments and thoughts, you also get a lot of hate. The problem about negative comments and thoughts is, the bad energy you receive in your subconscious mind. Only the strongest survive. I haven't stopped with posting my videos, however these comments did have an affect on me. When I first saw a hate comment, it really got in my subconscious mind and couldn't stop thinking about it. I was sad and stressed out, with a thought no one likes me. But with harsh, mean comments, through time you get stronger and smarter. You start evolving, growing mentally and physically, because if you don't let the comments from jealous irrelevant people affect you, you become a role, a character, a whole new person, no one can defeat. That year was the hardest year I have had, each start is though, but you are a leader of your story, you decide who or what is going to affect you and how are you going to deal with the problems and mean people. Either you lose and let people hurt you, or stand behind your work, actions and words and prove yourself you are capable of every single thing you put your mind to. I am proud on myself as a person I am, Special. Unique. The One. and so should be you. That's only a beginning of something Unmatched, a beginning of the strongest Tica family, that inspires everyday with it's physical and mental power. Together we push thru limits of body and mind and there is no such thing, that could stop me and you my Tica fam' from acheiving anything we desire. 


Special. Unique. The One. 

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